Monday, February 13, 2012

Sunday at Vail Lake

Sunday Jake and I meet up with Shawn McDonald from to do some filming for my Airborne Flight Crew application video.  We got some good video and it is now in the editing process, but I think it will turn out really well.  While we were out there Shawn also got some still pictures that turned out really nice.

Vail Lake Resort is located just out side of Temecula on Highway 79.  It is a private facility that supports many different activities.  In just the small area that we saw they had camping facilities, motorcross, and the mountain bike park.  I did not have the time to really explore the whole mountain bike park, but we were able to ride one trail that was a massive jump line with several different options at different points that we were able to stop and session the features that we liked.  The only other people in this area were a couple of teenage kids on BMX bikes so we basically had the jumps to ourselves.  We also pedaled over to a downhill trail with some wood bridge features and sessioned one of them for a while.  The only people we saw there were a couple on a XC ride.
The cost to get in and use the park was only $5.00 per rider but I think it was well worth it.  I would like to go down and spend a coupe of days there and ride more of the trails, if it was closer to our house we would ride this park as much as we could. 

The park has jumps, gaps, downhill, XC, and I was told it also has some really nice All Mountain riding.  If you have the time I would definitely recommend taking a day to head out there and do some riding!

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